Above: Redesigned views for the Journey Canvas and Sankey chart.
Usermind needed to expand their platform's feature set in order to remain competitive in a growing field of competitors. The new features would target a range of functionality currently being done by their implementation team, so that customers move towards self-serve setup and management.
After an initial assessment, I discovered that the information architecture (IA) and navigational scheme had fundamental issues preventing it from supporting additional features and resulting interaction patterns.
A complete navigational redesign would have to wait until the critical features were added to the system. I designed solutions that both integrated the new features, while making incremental changes to the overall navigation, like adding some ‘common-sense’ navigation such as Journey list views.
We worked closely with the product and developments teams to understand the problems, create product strategies, and ensure our designs could be quickly implemented. Design iterations were presented to the product and development teams for feedback. Final production mockups were delivered in Zeplin.
As a result of the feature integration and incremental fixes, Usermind was named a leader in The Forrester Wave: Journey Orchestration Platforms Q2 2020, receiving a 5 out of 5 rating for Journey automation and orchestration, Journey testing and optimization, client experience and usability, User research, and Planned enhancements.
On this momentum Usermind raised $14m in Series C funding and was acquired by Qualtrics the following year.
"In my two years work with the UXanimal team, I have been impressed in their ability to solve complex interaction and IA challenges. They have taken broad high-level customer pain points and iterated on them in an agile manner to deliver tangible and actionable designs for my engineering team to build."
Above: Field Entity Mapping - designing visual and an efficient method of linking data fields from disparate data sources. For instance, when building a customer journey, it's crucial to connect the customer_name field from Salesforce with the corresponding field from another data source, such as the company's internal customer database. (production delivery)
Above: Segment Insights created by ML algorithms are recommended based on customer activity and can be used to improve customer journeys. (production mockup)
Above: Experiments allow users to improve their journeys by creating variants and comparing outcomes to other variants and the existing journey. (production mockup)
After the successful integration of new features and incremental fixes, we delivered an updated design system that refreshed the overall look & feel but more importantly was designed to grow with the product.
Above: Components from new design system
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